
Showing 3546 Columns

13 Reasons Charles Addams is an Unsung Master of Horror

October 11th, 2017

When we mention masters of horror: the King's, the Matheson's, Tobe Hooper, George Romero, Wes Craven— When we talk about The Mount Rushmore of horror heroes, we tend to skip one who brought the morbid and the macabre to so many. I'm talking about Charles Addams.

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How to Finish Your Novel Using Math

October 11th, 2017

Have you ever written a short story? A long story? A novella? Now you want to write a novel? Cool, lean in real close. Listen to me as I whisper in your ear.  **Screams incoherently**

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Season of the Witch: Six Dark Fairy Tales Everyone Should Read

October 10th, 2017

The term fairy tale is often deployed for things that seem too good to be true (say, a fairy tale romance). But of course that's misleading; real fairy tales are as dark as stories come. The term has also been deployed to diminish the weird work of female authors—who, in eschewing the cold, hard truths of realism, it has been assumed, must be writing for the nursery. 

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John Green Is the Reason I Write Contemporary YA

October 10th, 2017

Author photo via official website It might be cliché for me to credit John Green with inspiring me to write young adult fiction. Especially since I didn't discover him until after The Fault in Our Stars was published, so I can’t even claim some hipster-like early-fan factor. So I’ll accept that it’s a little cliché to fall for a genre because of one outsize author, but I would argue that I bust stereotypes in why I want to be like John Green.

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What is Gutter Opera? 'Absolutely Golden' Author D. Foy Is Here To Explain...

October 9th, 2017

After D. Foy's stunning debut Made to Break sparked some serious noise in literary circles, I knew I wanted him to teach for LitReactor. We chatted a bit about the possibility of a workshop and he asked me if he could do it on Gutter Opera.  I had no idea what he meant, but of course, I wanted to know more. So I asked him to explain it, and what he came back with was so thoughtful, so concise, so electric, I knew we had the makings of an excellent class. 

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The 7 Greatest Fears of Horror Writers

October 9th, 2017

October has rolled around, and we, readers, once more return to horror fiction in anticipation of Halloween. We put ourselves in the hands of masters like Lovecraft and Barker, or new kids like Joe Hill — all with the aim of scaring ourselves stupid. But what chilling thoughts keep horror writers awake at night? What thing scares Stephen King? What makes R.L. Stine lose his mind? Take our hand as we peel back the velvet curtain to reveal the seven terrifying things that frighten the frighteners.

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Queer Stereotypes Aren't Just Bad Writing—It Goes Deeper, Says 'Writing The Rainbow' Instructor Nita Tyndall

October 6th, 2017

I’ve been reading queer YA since I was in middle school and starved to see myself in stories. In the beginning, I took what I could get, even if the stories were riddled with cliches, because I was so desperate to see my identity reflected. I snuck these books from the library and hid them behind my textbooks to read, comforted because I could at last see myself.

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The Agony & the Ecstasy of the Best-Seller List

October 5th, 2017

Last month, there was a little hullabaloo about a book publisher "quitting" the New York Times Best-Seller list. Regnery Publishing publicly stated that they would no longer use the best-seller list in promotional materials or as a basis for bonuses.

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The Top 10 LitReactor Columns of All Time

October 4th, 2017

On October 1st, 2011, LitReactor was pushed wet and screaming into this world. Like many new parents, Dennis Widmyer and Kirk Clawes had high hopes for their bundle of Internet joy. They didn't know what the future held, exactly, just that they wanted the site to grow into something special. A community where writers could connect, learn, and flourish. On this, LitReactor's sixth year anniversary, we are proud to say we are still here—making new friends, arguing the minutiae of the written word, and paying writers to write.

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The Top 10 Rare and Pricey Stephen King Books

October 3rd, 2017

I consider myself a book collector. I have some signed books, a few first editions, a couple of rare releases, some stuff that's old but in great condition, and books by my favorite authors that are now out of print. However, the world of Stephen King book collecting is a whole different beast.

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