Showing 3555 Columns
Showing 3555 Columns
September 5th, 2013
When two things you love come together—like, say, comic books and movies— it’s hard not to get excited. You love both of those things! How could combining them be anything but awesome? That was and sometimes still is my initial reaction whenever rumors surface of the next superhero to get a shot at the big screen. Even though I know better, I just can’t help myself. If you’ve been a dedicated fan for more than a decade, these increasingly common Hollywood flare-ups have been the source of a great deal of disappointment and frustration.
Read Column →September 4th, 2013
If you’ve been writing for a few years, you may be curious if you’re making any progress. How exactly is your career going? Is it still in the “hobby” phase or have you gotten serious about it? Is your work getting out there, are you making any money, are people starting to notice you—even strangers? Well good, it sounds like you are evolving as an author. Let’s take a closer look at what exactly you’re doing (or not doing) to get an idea of your evolution.
Read Column →September 4th, 2013
Beginning writers are often told that they need to develop a thick skin. No one bothers to tell them how this is done or what exactly having "thick skin" means. Let me try to help. To start, here's a working definition: Having a thick skin means you are able to: stare down criticism and make it work for you; set aside your ego for long enough that your pride doesn't disrupt your work; and listen to criticism, understand it, and then completely ignore it when necessary.
Read Column →September 3rd, 2013
Contains minor spoilers.
Read Column →August 30th, 2013
Flash Fiction: A style of fictional literature marked by extreme brevity Welcome to LitReactor's Flash Fiction Smackdown, a monthly bout of writing prowess. How It Works We give you inspiration in the form of a picture, poem, video, or similar. You write a flash fiction piece, using the inspiration we gave you. Put your entry in the comments section. One winner will be picked and awarded a prize.
Read Column →August 30th, 2013
Re-cap According to An Introduction to Poetry, 9th Edition, an allusion is an indirect reference to any person, place, or thing—fictitious, historical, or actual. Allusions allow writers to talk about an idea or commonly known story without having to explain. Allusions tap into our collective knowledge (and sometimes beliefs) to create meaning with minimal effort.
Read Column →August 29th, 2013
Kraków is the second largest city in Poland—and was the second stop on our Eastern European vacation (read the first entry, covering Prague, here). Going from Prague to Kraków was a little like going from Manhattan to Queens. Less crowded, smaller buildings, and overall, a much more chill vibe.
Read Column →August 28th, 2013
A few months ago, my son tried to run in front of a train because I wouldn’t let him play on a decommissioned backhoe. Granted, he wasn’t trying to end all of his two years in a fit of rage, just trying to get away from me as fast as possible. And, I should add for the sake of Social Services (and I’m starting to wonder if these columns make me sound like a horrible parent, which is diametrically opposite the point of them), I yoked him up within a few steps. But it still scared the crap out of me.
Read Column →August 28th, 2013
Next week we kick off another installment of Plotlines, a workshop led by best-selling author Joshua Mohr, on finding the balance between character and story. While prepping for the class, Joshua thought it would be fun to engage another writer on the subject, and he picked Anisse Gross, the film editor at The Rumpus.
Read Column →August 27th, 2013
Seeking a break from work (and America), I decided to visit Eastern Europe this summer, along with my wife and two friends. The four of us met up in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. (Three of us then went to Kraków, the second largest city in Poland—check out that installment here).
Read Column →Our free writing app lets you set writing goals and track your progress, so you can finally write that book!