Showing 298 Interviews
Showing 298 Interviews
November 30th, 2022
Photos courtesy of the authors I was thrilled to discover Rachel Harrison’s third novel, Such Sharp Teeth, a frightening and visceral werewolf tale that’s also a nuanced portrait of a contemporary woman’s rage and vulnerability. I’ve always been fascinated by women’s approaches to horror, and my own entry in the genre, Saturnalia, uses occult horror to explore many of the same themes: trauma, power, and the danger and exhilaration of truth-telling.
Read Interview →November 16th, 2022
Photo courtesy of Kristin Garth Pensacola, Florida author Kristin Garth is deceptively innocent; in her signature Catholic school-girl outfit, she's a sneering key holder of Pandora's box, where her illicit adventures are written. Like eloquent and elaborate notes passed in class to make us squirm, she'll eventually repossess every secret to throw into a playground fire, after she's gathered our expectations as kindling.
Read Interview →November 8th, 2022
Lindy Ryan is a talented author, editor, and much more. She has accomplished so many interesting things across her different fields of work, including being the co-founder of Radiant Advisors, a business intelligence research and advisory firm, where as Research Director then Chief Operations Officer, she led the company’s research and data enablement practice for clients that included 21st Century Fox Films, Warner Bros., and Disney.
Read Interview →November 7th, 2022
Photo courtesy Jesse Hilson Writers often see how little they can get away with, condensing all their reductive intention into a “brand.” While this may take root in our attention deficits, we may never know who the real writer is. For instance, it boggles me that more fiction writers don’t write poetry – it’s the easiest way to show the world who you really are. And if you can pull it off, it’s the best way to show your economy of language, not just your command.
Read Interview →October 25th, 2022
Photo courtesy of R.J. Dent Many of you have never read The Songs of Maldoror (1868) and it shows. When the French surrealist prose poem was first presented to me by a friend as "the most evil book ever written," it wasn't so much the content that affirmed the claim, but the atmosphere that permeated as I read it—as if the temperature dropped in the room while I devoured every word; words that, in turn, also devoured me.
Read Interview →October 21st, 2022
Photo courtesy of Eileen Joyce Donovan I’ve recently had the great pleasure to work and interact with Eileen Joyce Donovan, an accomplished author who came to writing late—at her late husband’s urging—and is clearly making up for lost time.
Read Interview →October 17th, 2022
Photo courtesy of Grant Wamack Grant Wamack's Black Gypsies (Broken River Books) is an inner-city existentialist adrenaline rush that, in all its urban suffocation, reminds itself to breath. There's a unique spiritual element to this cinematic wide-shot of jackboy brotherhood and gangster antagonism; refusing to forget the moments of silence for collateral damage and impending dead.
Read Interview →October 4th, 2022
Stephen Graham Jones knows what makes us afraid because as he’ll tell you, he’s afraid of those things, too. When it comes to writing, he’s dabbled in almost every format available, with dozens of novels, hundreds of short stories, and even comic books.
Read Interview →September 28th, 2022
As writers, we are often reminded by the self-help motivational gurus to "just write," but what happens if your sensory tank is filled to the brim and you go into full-blown burnout? The thought of putting pen to paper might be more terrifying than the story you're trying to tell. Of course, this isn't the situation for everyone, but it certainly is for neurodivergent authors. These are people who are so quickly overlooked. People who, in my opinion, overcome great adversity to tell the stories they write.
Read Interview →September 21st, 2022
It’s no wonder The Locked Tomb series has gained a cult following. The first book, Gideon the Ninth, blasted through the book world with an attention-grabbing tagline—lesbian necromancers in space—and a jaw-dropping cover. But it was Gideon’s snarky attitude woven into highly literary prose that pierced reader’s hearts and made them devout acolytes to the Ninth House.
Read Interview →Our free writing app lets you set writing goals and track your progress, so you can finally write that book!