Showing 3555 Columns
Showing 3555 Columns
July 4th, 2023
Original image by Dan Cristian Pădureț It feels like it’s easier than ever to imagine the end of the world. Disastrous futures that change the landscape of society. But what about the more subtle changes? The ones where governments change laws and corporations control policies? That’s what makes dystopian fiction different from the post-apocalyptic end-of-the-world stories.
Read Column →July 3rd, 2023
Author photo via Wikipedia Commons, public domain. Overlay by Leeloo TheFirst Dear Charlotte Perkins Gilman,
Read Column →June 30th, 2023
Holy shit, if you are reading this that means The Dionysus Effect's debut album is out RIGHT NOW. Putting out a book as a writer or a publisher is hard, but putting out an album feels like an act of extreme hubris. The recording, figuring out the order of the songs, pitching them to playlists, and just hoping anyone will give a fuck—it’s a hell of a ride.
Read Column →June 26th, 2023
Original graphic by Kat Korpi, character art by Jess Montz It’s my fourth dispatch from the querying trenches — and finally I have good news to share. On June 14, I got to send out a tweet I’d been dreaming of tweeting for 10 years. I got to share news I’d honestly started to believe I would never have the chance to share: I signed with a literary agent.
Read Column →June 23rd, 2023
Let me start with a disclaimer: reading ruts do not always necessitate a ‘cure.’ Sometimes, if your focus isn’t cooperating with your will, you can just choose to listen to whatever it is that’s stopping you from reading, cut yourself some slack, and do something that replenishes you in another way.
Read Column →June 22nd, 2023
Much like the discussion about “Should I get an MFA or not?” the opinions on prologues are divisive. I’ll try to shine some light on the subject today and not only tell you my opinion (with examples), but discuss the merits of having a prologue or NOT having a prologue.
Read Column →June 21st, 2023
image credit: Pixabay How do the scary things work in your horror story? That’s what we’re here to talk about today: how to pay attention to the mechanic in your story, how to write it so it makes sense, and how to make sure you don’t overwrite it. What Do I Mean When I Say “Mechanic”? A mechanic is a term borrowed from gaming that describes how something functions in a game.
Read Column →June 19th, 2023
We all know that reading makes you more empathetic. And if you’re like me, you think empathy is a pretty important part of being a good person. Therefore, reading helps make you a better human being. So, if anyone ever questions you on all those book purchases, you can tell them that the stacks of paperbacks actually help improve who you are in life.
Read Column →June 16th, 2023
Original image by Anna Sheets Parents. Even the best can make the strongest child cringe. They don’t even have to be bad; they just bring out that extra level of embarrassment. And the fact that they’re usually unaware of why, makes it so much worse. In literature, parents are as diverse as they are in real life, when they’re not dead, that is. Some we love, others we hate, and some, we really, really hope we never meet.
Read Column →Professional editors help your manuscript stand out for the right reasons.