Showing 3555 Columns
Showing 3555 Columns
September 11th, 2023
While I was browsing the library a bit back, I came across a little book: Feminist Baby. I hated it. Not because I hate the politics of the book or feminism or hate women or have strong opinions on trans athletes in women’s sports or hate babies.
Read Column →September 8th, 2023
Header image by Christopher Shultz How often do you think about the ampersand? If the answer is “not very often,” then today is a chance to give this symbol its due. That’s because today is National Ampersand Day.
Read Column →September 5th, 2023
Ever since watching Terry Gillam’s adaptation of Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and subsequently reading the novel, I’ve been obsessed with mind-altering substances and psychedelic experiences. Not so much in real life (my body and mind are not equipped to handle it), but through art and movies and music and, of course, literature.
Read Column →September 1st, 2023
For many, fall is their favorite time of year. The weather gets cooler, the leaves change color, and the holiday’s keep everyone busy. But there’s one thing we all dread: going back to school. There are the early mornings, the piles of homework, and everything in between. But all things considered, it could be much worse. You could be surrounded by assassins, spend detention in a coffin-sized closet, or face flying demons. To make you feel better about your first day of school, we found the absolute worst schools in fiction.
Read Column →August 30th, 2023
Photos by Peter Derk Let’s take a moment to talk carnivals. I promise that this relates to Tree of Codes by Jonathan Safran Foer. When you walk through the aisles of food stands, the section of a carnival for people like me, people with taste, you might come across walking tacos. This is the name given to a dish where you basically put a taco, minus tortilla, into a bag of Doritos, smash it all up, and then eat it with a fork. If you’ve never eaten this, I highly recommend it.
Read Column →August 29th, 2023
When I describe Farsickness to people, I start by saying that it’s "Demented Whimsy"—and I’d like to tell you how that artistic philosophy was born. Back in 2020, the world got knocked sideways, and the impossible became the everyday. Because we were all forced inside, we evaluated our lives. Was I fulfilled? Did I have hope? Was I a good spouse, a good parent? And would I ever see that loved one who lives across the country again? We were cluttered with unanswerable questions and had to build new status quos on the quick.
Read Column →August 28th, 2023
“I’m a fucking idiot.” That&rsquo
Read Column →August 25th, 2023
Have you heard people talk about literary devices, but you weren’t sure what that meant, or how to use them? Let’s chat about some of the more common examples and then see how you might incorporate them into your fiction.
Read Column →August 23rd, 2023
There are multiple reasons for joining a writers organization. Some writers join for access to writing resources, while others join for networking opportunities. There are even those who might join an organization out of curiosity, to see what exactly that group can offer them and their career. Or maybe they're just after a little social interaction.
Read Column →August 21st, 2023
image: pixabay In 2010, a group of library professionals got together and wrote essays that answered the question: What will the library be like in 2020? Before you get too excited, no, nobody predicted a global pandemic would kill a bunch of people. Also, nobody predicted that a subset of doofuses would attribute the ravages of this virus to the introduction of faster wireless network speeds.
Read Column →Our free writing app lets you set writing goals and track your progress, so you can finally write that book!