
Showing 3528 Columns

How to Persevere in Your Writing

August 5th, 2016

I heard somewhere that you have to write a million words before you write anything worth reading. Some say it was the late, great, David Eddings who said this, some attribute it to Ray Bradbury, others still to Elmore Leonard or John D. McDonald, and I’m sure, before long, another literary great will claim the honor. It doesn’t matter who said it, what matters is they are right. Sort of. You do have to write a lot of words before you write something worth reading, but not a million. It actually works out to far more than that.

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The Strange Day Jobs of Five Fiction Writers

July 29th, 2016

A lot of writers hold down a day job. Sometimes by choice, sometimes out of necessity. I decided to track down five writers with unusual day jobs and explore how their occupations help and hinder their writing.

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I Tried. I Just Don't Like Harry Potter

July 29th, 2016

Before you start waving a wand at me and yelling "Fuckemupus!" or something, please hear me out. I don't hate Harry Potter. I don't hate that this thing exists. I just don't like it. Don't enjoy it.  But I'm not sure whose fault that is. Mine or Harry's. Let me explain. Why I Read The Books The two-word version of this section: a girl. If you want more than two words, keep reading. 

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UPDATED WITH WINNER!!!!!!! LitReactor's Flash Fiction Smackdown: LAST ONE!!!!!!!!

July 29th, 2016

THE LAST  Flash Fiction Contest Welcome to LitReactor's Last Flash Fiction Smackdown (for now, anyway...) How It Works We give you inspiration in the form of a picture, poem, video, or prompt. You write a flash fiction piece using the inspiration we gave you. Put your entry in the comments section. One winner will be picked and awarded a prize.

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Bookstores As Innovators

July 28th, 2016

“Do you sell iPads here?” I was asked this question at least a half dozen times during my various stints as a bookseller. It always puzzled me in its consistency. Does a small, independent bookstore seem like a place that would sell Apple products? 

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6 Tips For Cleaning Up Your Dirty Words (Grammatically, Of Course)

July 26th, 2016

There is an art to profanity that is hard to come by for many writers. As an editor who favors working within genres the other editors can’t stomach, from hardcore erotica to medieval splatterpunk, I really don’t see enough helpful information on the ins and outs of writing with obscenities. You won’t find anything on the many versatile uses of “fuck” in The Chicago Manual of Style or Amy Einsohn’s The Copyeditor’s Handbook.

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Storyville: Introducing Your Children to Horror

July 25th, 2016

I’ve been a fan of dark fiction for as long as I can remember, so when the day came that I had children of my own (twins actually, a boy and a girl) I knew it was only a matter of time before they started asking about my work, reading and writing, and seeking out dark fiction, horror especially. Here are some ideas on how you can turn your kids on to horror without scarring them for life.

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10 Non-Fiction Books That Changed My Life

July 22nd, 2016

Photo by Gregg Segal I read a lot of non-fiction books. Mostly for self-improvement, ideas and inspiration. Ways to make my life better and to help me grow both personally and professionally. More often than not the books I choose do help, and with each read I take away nuggets of wisdom I can implement to improve my life. But occasionally a book is an absolute game changer. This is what I’m focusing on today. Sometimes it’s not following the book exactly to the letter that changes my life but the fundamental principles I learn.

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Is "Stranger Things" The Contemporary Sci-Fi/Horror Juggernaut We've Been Waiting For?

July 21st, 2016

Right now, people are talking about Stranger Things just about as much as they're playing Pokémon Go (almost, anyway).

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The Weird World Of Marvel What If's

July 21st, 2016

Here's the deal with Marvel's What If? series: Imagine a bunch of comic book dorks sitting around, arguing about what would happen if the Fantastic Four hadn't beaten Galactus. And when you imagine this, I recommend only your visual and auditory senses. Skip on the olfactory.

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