
Showing 3704 Columns

The Hack Chronicles—The Dadonauts: Time Management

April 20th, 2017

For a writer, time is the enemy.

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Tech and Product Round-up: April Edition

April 19th, 2017

image courtesy Hello all, welcome once again to LitReactor's monthly tech and product round-up, where we discuss the latest in technology with a writerly bent. There's plenty to report, as usual, so let's jump right in.

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17 Recommended Podcasts To Help You Improve As A Writer and Human Being

April 19th, 2017

Initially I was going to write an article solely focussing on podcasts that can help you improve as a writer. But the more I pondered the subject, the more evident it became that being a well-rounded writer is inseparable from being a well-rounded human being. Rather than read this as a definitive list of podcasts, I want this piece to serve as a starting point in your own podcast journey. A choose-your-own-adventure, if you like. For that reason I’ve sectioned recommendations into categories.

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13 Ways to Support an Author Without Ever Spending a Dime

April 18th, 2017

I may be an author myself, but I still get it: books can be expensive. I read like a fiend and have made it a personal mission to support as many of my favorite books and authors as possible, but it can be tricky at times on an author/teacher paycheck. There are so many ways, however, to show an author some love without having to drop $25 for every hardback on the shelf. Here are just a few suggestions to help get you started.

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Storyville: Great Titles—Hooking Your Readers

April 17th, 2017

So today we are going to be talking all about titles and hooks—how your title can grab your readers and kick off the story with information, excitement, and mystery. I’ll be focusing on my own work, because I can provide some insight into the process, and what the story and titles mean to each other, as well. Let’s dig right in.

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100 Bits Of Advice Gleaned From Writing 100 LitReactor Columns

April 17th, 2017

By the time you read this I'll have over 100 LitReactor columns under my belt. There have been some successes, some failures, and a whole lot to learn for someone new to the freelance writing game. Some of the lessons are about writing, pitching column ideas, productivity, and a good portion are about Demolition Man. Let me narrow it down to the 100 most important things. Which are in a particular order: the order in which they came to me. 1. tl;dr is the realest shit ever.

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Book vs. Comic vs. Film: "Eight O'Clock in the Morning" vs. "Nada" vs. "They Live"

April 17th, 2017

You've probably seen it at this point, the now infamous Pepsi commercial in which Kylie Jenner (a person famous merely for being rich) mends all social and political ails by handing a cop a cold can of tooth-rotting soda. If you haven't borne witness to this tone-deaf monstrosity, never fear, because someone out there in the internetosphere made a parody that sums up the ad's message neatly (whether or not the ad people behind the TV spot knew this was the actual message or not). Check it out: [video:]

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Writers: Why You Should (and Shouldn't) Start a Patreon

April 14th, 2017

If you’re reading this article, it’s probably a safe bet to assume you’re a writer, given this website is dedicated to the craft of writing. Either you’re a writer or you’re a robot pushing discounted sunglasses. There are literally no other possibilities. If you’re the latter, I’ll have you know I already have a rad pair of prescription shades, so I’m all good there. However, if you’re one of those writer people everybody’s always talking about, then there’s a good chance you’ve heard about Patreon.

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Comics And Comics Movies Need Good Villains

April 14th, 2017

I’m going to spell out the problem here, right up top, so we can spend most of this column talking about the solutions. Comic books and comic book movies are filled with an ever-growing roster of great heroes. What hasn’t grown proportionally is the number and quality of the villains. Don’t believe me? If we look at some of the recent-ish comic movies, they have a lot of utterly forgettable villains who  amount to “some asshole.”

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But How Do I Write It? Methods for Matching the Medium

April 13th, 2017

When an idea comes to me, I don’t always initially know what it wants to be. Is it a small thing? How small? Maybe it’s a tweet, punchy and tight, or maybe a Facebook post, more honest and less fitted, or perhaps even a series of connected tweets, leading into each other in a rant of (1/7)s through (7/7)s.

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