
Showing 3557 Columns

8 Literary Charities That Need Your Help

December 28th, 2015

'Tis the season for selfless gestures. While many charities see an influx of donations and volunteers during the holidays, that attention tends to taper off after New Year's. If you find yourself sitting bored by the fireside this winter, consider lending a hand somewhere. Here we have a mixture of opportunities through groups run by and made for writers, whether they're poets, journalists, screenwriters, or novelists. Some have been around for decades while others formed more recently to fill a perceived vacuum.

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Storyville: The Top Ten Short Stories of 2015

December 23rd, 2015

So, this list is highly subjective. I didn’t read every story published in 2015, but I’m trying to read more fiction, not just anthologies, but online as well. I’m constantly blown away by places like Tor, Nightmare, Clarkesworld, Shimmer, Apex…you name it. Where appropriate, I’ve linked to the story, if it’s online, and if it’s in a collection, I’ve included an amazon link. Most of the stories were originally published in 2015, but a few came out in 2014.

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10 Pathways to Literary Citizenship

December 23rd, 2015

In writing, there's a whole lot of hustle. New writers hustling to get into good programs. Emerging writers hustling to get published. Debut authors hustling established authors for back-cover blurbs. Established authors hustling for the big awards.

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Growing Up Star Wars: A Lesson In How To Indoctrinate Your Child

December 22nd, 2015

header image via joinyouinthesun I was born in 1979, two years after the original Star Wars came out and changed everything. Movies, books, theater...Star Wars really did it. You don't need me to tell you this. I was so young, I didn't get to experience any of the original trilogy in theaters. I never got to wait in line. To see the costumes. To feel the breathless anticipation and the thrill of those amazing first words flowing up the big screen.

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A Look At The Morning Rituals and Daily Habits of 9 Popular Authors

December 22nd, 2015

I’ve long been fascinated by the morning rituals and daily habits of successful artists. Examining the eccentricities of my favourite authors and identifying any common habits they share. Of course, there’s no formula for success or a guarantee that if you perform certain rituals you’ll be destined for greatness. That said I do think we can learn an awful lot from studying others, testing out certain habits and rituals and seeing what works for us.

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Editor's Notes: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas

December 21st, 2015

Dear Mr. Moore, I'm not sure how this piece became SO lost in my to-do pile, but I finally got around to it. Overall, I think there might be something here, although there is a consistent problem with some old-timey language that doesn't make as much sense in 2015. I left that alone, but just be aware it's something I'm seeing throughout. Please take the rest of these notes as constructive criticisms. Best, Pete

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Ten Twisted Christmas Tales, Volume III

December 21st, 2015

Have you got the Christmas blues and need a little respite from the madness that can ensue around this time of year? Looking for a ghost story to tell your loved ones on Christmas Eve/Day? Do you not celebrate this time-honored festival cobbled from the severed remains of other holidays, but enjoy a good, dark narrative? Then this list is for you. Whether you're in need of a classic holiday-themed action movie, a yuletide slice of cosmic horror, or a biting satire on Christmas's commercialization, you've come to the right place.

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The True Story Behind 'The Revenant'

December 18th, 2015

  revenant noun a person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead. The Alejandro G. Iñárritu helmed The Revenant comes out on limited release on December 25th and everywhere else on January 8th. If you somehow haven’t caught wind of the hype surrounding the movie you can go check out the amazing trailer right now. The plot is as follows:

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5 Reasons Why You Should Join A Book Club

December 18th, 2015

What do you want to do accomplish by the end of the year? There are only a couple of weeks left, but that is plenty of time to shake things up and make a change for the better. One of the best things I did for myself in 2015 was decide to join a book club. Ours began rather informally and spontaneously — a friend suggested that we read a recent bestseller and get together to talk about it sometime. What was pitched as a one time, fun gathering eventually became a monthly event, and it is something I look forward to every time. 

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5 Storytelling Lessons from the Original Star Wars Trilogy

December 17th, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is upon us, and if you’re like me, everywhere you look you see Star Wars—merchandise, promotions, screenings. It’s reminiscent of my childhood. It remains to be seen if the new movie will live up to expectations, but one thing it’s done is bring attention back to the original trilogy which is beloved for many, many reasons.

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