
Showing 3555 Columns

Behold! The Unfilmable: David Mitchell's 'Cloud Atlas'

February 10th, 2012

I can picture Don LaFontaine doing voice-over from the big vocal booth in the sky:

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The Myth of Writer’s Block

February 9th, 2012

Header images via DS Stories & Magda Ehlers You know what’s annoying? I can’t pick up a book devoted to writing craft or peruse an online literary forum without reading something about writer’s block: testimonies from those who suffer from it, a historic of famous writers who’ve lived with the condition, and tips on how it can be overcome.

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Un-Building Blocks: What to Do When You Can’t Do It

February 9th, 2012

Image via Free Images Just typing the sentence you are now reading is an act of will. That will is sometimes entirely absent. This condition is known as writers block.

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Beyond the Zombie: Something Ominous is Missing from Horror Fiction

February 8th, 2012

My friend, Phil, claims to be afraid of nothing. When I ask what he means, he says that “vampires and werewolves and zombies have become the new Pokemon. And I hate the Pokemonization of monsters.”

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The Curse of the Second Novel: Four Ways Not To Fuck Up Book Number Two

February 8th, 2012

If writing a book is hard, then writing a successful book is even harder. And if writing a successful book is a task akin to building the Eiffel Tower out of Jello and toothpicks while blindfolded, doing it your first time out has to be even harder still.

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Ask The Lit Coach: "Is It Possible To Sell A Novel On Three Sample Chapters?"

February 6th, 2012

For this issue of Q&A with The Lit Coach, I'm answering a great question I received on Twitter.  Question from Glory S. in London, England What are the chances of getting a book deal based on a 3 chapter submission [and earning an advance] that pays for living expenses while finishing the book?

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hitRECord: Where the Wild Things Are

February 6th, 2012

For most, the Internet is little more than a glorified science fair. People create something with a computer and then post it online for the planet to evaluate. Whether it's a Facebook status update, a poem about the delicate nuances of young love or a cell phone video of grandpa taking a golf ball to the prunes, the Internet is essentially a two-part exchange between the author and the viewer. Conversationally, the digital revolution boils down to this: "Hey, check this out."

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LURID: Crazy, in Love.

February 3rd, 2012

LURID: vivid in shocking detail; sensational, horrible in savagery or violence, or, a twice-monthly guide to the merits of the kind of Bad Books you never want your co-workers to know you're reading. It’s February, and, as restaurants, florists and card-shops build up to their most lucrative day of the year, I have to ask, who’ll be your 2012 Valentine?

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The Girlie Show: Are Literary Women Finally Getting The Recognition They Deserve?

February 3rd, 2012

In 2010, some infographics published in a blog post by VIDA caused a big kerfuffle in the literary world, because they did what infographics do best--graphically represent something everyone probably already knew. In this case, the images illustrated the fact that men still handily dominated publishing and press, both in works produced and works reviewed. It was no longer a matter of speculation--it was fact. More men were getting published, read, and reviewed.

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Indie Bookstore Spotlight: The Strand, New York City

February 2nd, 2012

ADDRESS: 828 Broadway (at 12th St.) HOURS: Monday-Saturday 9:30 AM-10:30 PM Sunday 11:00 AM-10:30 PM Rare Book Room Closes Daily at 6:15 PM Buying Desk Open Monday-Saturday 9:30AM-6:00PM FOOD/DRINKS:  Not in the main part of the store, but you can rent the Rare Book Room for parties

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