Showing 3555 Columns
Showing 3555 Columns
May 21st, 2013
Writing about or from personal experience is rewarded more in many writing programs than “imagined” experience” or genre. Some of the critics of genre fiction in workshops believe genre fiction is easier to write, requires less imagination, and is not as “serious” as literary fiction.
Read Column →May 20th, 2013
This is going to contain spoilers for this episode, and also for the books. Deal with it. King's Landing "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." —Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
Read Column →May 20th, 2013
Confession: I am a contrarian. My nature causes me to avoid any and all things deemed good by popular opinion. While I do trust the tastes of a few people, I generally approach all things loved by a large group of people with skepticism.
Read Column →May 17th, 2013
To blag (v): to sound like you know what you’re talking about when you don’t The Blagger’s Guide to Literature (n): an invaluable resource for those who wish to blag about books without actually reading them. Do I get a blag-point for already knowing Fitzgerald was a lush and had a mad wife called Zelda? No. Everyone knows that about Fitzgerald. Null blag-points.
Read Column →May 16th, 2013
As the release of the latest Star Trek sequel draws near, discussion and debate of the classic franchise’s pantheon of villains has reached an all-time high. This sudden enthusiasm for antagonists has no doubt been fuelled by the storm of speculation surrounding the identity of the vaguely teased but explicitly menacing villain portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch. Is he John Harrison? Possibly Gary Mitchell? The legendary fan fave Khan?
Read Column →May 15th, 2013
Inspire your own writing by seeing how three authors take the same material and come up with three entirely different results. "Crash" by JG Ballard It didn’t start well. The reader’s report was short and to the point: ‘This author is beyond psychiatric help.’
Read Column →May 15th, 2013
The image above is based on a promotional poster I saw while in Edinburgh. It was for an event titled Scotland at the Cinema, and each poster featured a different movie quote translated into the Scottish dialect, as with the Star Wars reference above or with "Frankly hen, I dinnae gie a damn." For me, these "translations" were a reminder of how important a person's dialect is to who they are. A Walt Whitman quote comes to mind:
Read Column →May 14th, 2013
So you’ve finally got a few short stories finished and you’re dying to send them out into the world. How do you know if a market is “good”? Here are ten tips for evaluating fiction markets—the very traits I look for when trying to decide whether or not I should send a website, journal, magazine, or anthology my writing.
Read Column →May 14th, 2013
Image by Michael Beckwith via Wikipedia Commons Ever been to a really bad play? More specifically, have you seen a production of a play that, while clearly well-written, comes off either bland or way over-the-top in performance? This happens all the time, from high-school or university productions with little or no budget to Broadway spectacles of wealth. And for some of the greatest dramatic writers in history, this happens to their work more often than not.
Read Column →May 13th, 2013
This is going to contain spoilers for this episode, and also for the books. Deal with it. The Bear and the Maiden Fair was a very sexy episode of Game of Thrones. At least until Theon got castrated. Unless you're into that. Which, if you are, let's not be friends.
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