Showing 3555 Columns
Showing 3555 Columns
July 2nd, 2014
The latest chapter in the tale of Amazon Vs. Everything You Hold Dear involves contentious negotiations between the aforementioned free market juggernaut and the publisher Hachette.
Read Column →July 1st, 2014
June has been a hot month here. Seriously, I'm sitting here in my leopard-print autographed underwear writing this, because the air conditioner in my car doesn't work, and I just drove home. And I can't find my coffee mug. I think it melted.
Read Column →June 30th, 2014
Flash fiction: A style of fictional literature marked by extreme brevity. Welcome to LitReactor's Flash Fiction Smackdown, a monthly bout of writing prowess. How It Works We give you inspiration in the form of a picture, poem, video, or similar. You write a flash fiction piece using the inspiration we gave you. Put your entry in the comments section. One winner will be picked and awarded a prize.
Read Column →June 30th, 2014
Sex. It can be an awkward topic, especially when you're talking about it with someone you've never met IRL. Sex. With minors. Even more awkward and difficult to discuss. So of course Richard and I just had to read and talk about Tampa, Alissa Nutting's controversial novel about a teacher who...well, read on to watch us LOL our way through a discussion of some of humanities basest needs...and why we can't decide how we feel about this book!
Read Column →June 27th, 2014
LURID: vivid in shocking detail; sensational, horrible in savagery or violence, or, a guide to the merits of the kind of Bad Books you never want your co-workers to know you're reading. This weekend sees the release of the documentary Whitey: United States of America v. James J. Bulger, the latest addition to the robust sub-genre of books, plays, movies, TV shows and column inches dedicated to telling tales of the FBI’s one-time second Most Wanted, Boston gangster James “Whitey” Bulger.
Read Column →June 27th, 2014
I don’t know your name. Frankly, I was too gobsmacked to notice your license plate number or anything else about you. Why? Because of the massive hardback splayed across your steering wheel like a fileted paper fish drying in the sun.
Read Column →June 26th, 2014
I am obsessed with cats. You are obsessed with cats. We are all obsessed with cats! Ever since the age of things going viral on the Internet, our collective feline obsession cannot be tamed. Cats are making classical paintings better, entertaining us by playing piano, and doling out words of kitty wisdom in commercials. Cats are making such a big impression on YouTube that it’s easy to forget that they’ve been bringing cattitude to literature for years.
Read Column →June 25th, 2014
In May, I packed up all my things and hopped in my MINI Cooper, bound for Life 2.0 in Los Angeles. The five-day, 2,000-mile solo trek from Minneapolis was an irresistible opportunity to shake up my admittedly stale writing habits. I mean, Kerouac did it, and he was high; I'd have a novel ready by the time I got to California.
Read Column →June 25th, 2014
As religion goes, I'm a nothing. By that I mean I don't practice or subscribe to anything. I guess that makes me an Atheist, but I shy away from that term because...well, it seems to indicate a position of sorts, a position I'm not prepared to argue. Allow me to share the whole of my religious education: 1. I read The Tao Te Ching once. I was 17 and understood almost nothing of what lived in the pages. 2. I read a good portion of, not The Qur'an, but a Q&A book ABOUT The Qur'an.
Read Column →June 24th, 2014
all images and logos © I've established in both my product reviews and columns that I love writing on my iPad when I'm on-the-go, because it's smaller and lighter than most laptops, and it doubles both as an eReader and notebook for digitally stet-marking manuscripts—in other words, it's a Renaissance device.
Read Column →Our free writing app lets you set writing goals and track your progress, so you can finally write that book!