Showing 3555 Columns
Showing 3555 Columns
November 12th, 2014
Today we’re going to be talking about tropes, and how to avoid them while writing horror stories. What exactly is a trope? Wikipedia says a trope can be described as “…commonly recurring literary and rhetorical devices, motifs or clichés in creative works.” These are the standard expectations and formulas, and while they aren’t inherently bad, what we’re looking to do here is avoid the common, the normal, the expected, and the bland. How can you change and innovate your writing?
Read Column →November 11th, 2014
When people think of science fiction, odds are good they’re actually thinking of space opera, a subgenre of science fiction. While there are all kinds of futuristic stories to tell, we tend to think of all science fiction as spaceships and lasers. But that’s like thinking only of oranges when you’re actually talking about all fruit, or thinking only of Victoria Beckham when you’re actually talking about the Spice Girls … which none of us do, I’m sure.
Read Column →November 10th, 2014
It probably says something about me that until early October this year, the whole phenomenon known as alt-lit had flown under my radar, Russian stealth-fighter fashion, which is no mean feat for a literary movement which appears, from the descriptions of those outside it, to be all about self-exposure on whichever social media forum happens to be most public.
Read Column →November 7th, 2014
I'd think it was crazy too if I were a normal person. -Jay Cutler, bodybuilder At the risk of going even further to the bro side of things than the title would indicate, I'll start with a little story about FHM.
Read Column →November 7th, 2014
Readers are known far and wide to be some of the best people in the world. We are empathetic, focused, and always come through for the literary questions at bar trivia nights. Anyone would want to date a reader, right? Well, before you run to your nearest bookstore looking for “the one,” let me give you the lowdown on what to expect when you date a reader.
Read Column →November 6th, 2014
NaNoWriMo logo courtesy All throughout the month of November, you'll likely see numerous articles on NaNoWriMo—or, National Novel Writing Month, during which aspiring and established authors alike attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. You'll see articles of encouragement, offering up various tips and tricks that will keep you on track and help you complete your goal in time.
Read Column →November 6th, 2014
Polis Books will release my debut novel, New Yorked, in June 2015, and has contracted me for a follow-up, City of Rose. This is a monthly column about taking a book over the finish line. Before I got my agent, I must have re-written New Yorked a dozen times. At least. Two of those were nearly ground-up rewrites.
Read Column →November 5th, 2014
I am definitely a tortoise. If ever I had any doubts on the matter, this past Labor Day weekend cleared them out faster than Hemingway could toss back a martini. Some people are hares. Whether through effort or nature, they have the ability to write large amounts in very little time. I applaud these individuals, but my attempt to become one of them for a temporary period left me exhausted and overly caffeinated. I’m speaking of NaNoWriMo’s Canadian cousin, the Three-Day Novel Contest.
Read Column →November 4th, 2014
So, you've taken on the challenge of NaNo and you've nailed your first week. Great job! Let's just enjoy that accomplishment for a second. Sigh. That was nice, right? Now, let's get you ready for the inevitable burnout with ...
Read Column →November 3rd, 2014
If you live in the US, November is the month of giving thanks to entire peoples your culture nearly genocided out of existence. For everyone else, November is the month where we all try to write a novel for little more than bragging rights. I suppose it makes sense that November has to be a little wacky; it's wedged between Halloween and Christmas, and without that barrier, the lines would end up blurring into some sort of nightmarish amalgamation of holiday horror. Or, you know, a Tim Burton movie.
Read Column →Our free writing app lets you set writing goals and track your progress, so you can finally write that book!