Showing 3555 Columns
Showing 3555 Columns
November 3rd, 2021
There’s a hashtag on Twitter. There are Facebook groups, Slack workspaces, and myriads of Discords. There are probably, at this point, daily discussions on social media. There are countless ways to join a writing community, whether it’s strictly virtual, hybrid, or in-person.
Read Column →November 2nd, 2021
Original Header images via Monstera And we're back. To recap, you can read Part I HERE. We left off talking about token payments, which brings us to the most controversial form of compensation of all: none. IT’S “FOR THE LOVE,” MAN No, it really isn’t.
Read Column →November 1st, 2021
Original Header images via Monstera Hi, folks. This article is aimed at the newer writers in the audience. That said, even if you’re a reader or a fan who cares about authors and their place in the publishing world, this may still be useful for you.
Read Column →October 29th, 2021
TRICK OR TREAT, SMELL MY FEET, GIVE ME SOMETHING GOOD TO READ! All Hallows' Eve is finally upon us, which means it's time for some spooky reads. If you're like me, you seek out a grim tale that evokes a deep sense of nostalgia, a reminder of Halloween's past. We may be "too old" for trick or treating, but there are books that are guaranteed to transport us to those long coveted nights of dressing up and hoarding enough candy to last until the next year's festivities.
Read Column →October 28th, 2021
Over the last four years, I’ve seen a few good horror films, and so, this being October, I thought I’d share my top horror movies with you. So here we go, in roughly chronological order
Read Column →October 27th, 2021
Webster’s defines “gore” as “a small usually triangular piece of land.” Wait, that’s not right...the definition we’re all looking for is...EIGHT definitions down?! Does anyone cool work at Webster’s? Can they hire like one cool person? We’ll just use our own definition: Gore is the gross stuff, the stabbing, the shredding, the exploding heads and pierced eyeballs, the blood and guts and then more blood that usually make for peak disgust in a horror story.
Read Column →October 25th, 2021
Original images via Ann H & Temo Berishvili It took me four years to finish a new novel-length project.
Read Column →October 22nd, 2021
Goodbye, Mexican Gothic! Goodbye, The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires! Say hello to 2021 and our new crop of horror books, fresh off the press! As usual, horror authors didn’t disappoint this year, delivering a flood of haunted houses, creepy coincidences, brilliant re-imaginings, and lingering mysteries that will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
Read Column →October 20th, 2021
Too many horror story endings unravel like a half-assed mummy, fall apart like the chunks of a chainsawed traveler who gassed up in the wrong Texas town, or confuse the hell out of everyone like a Blair Witch Project remake that’s totally unnecessary, but I guess someone felt like a drone would really bring a lot to Blair Witch lore. How can you avoid the most common slip-ups? What do readers hate? How can you stick the landing in your horror story?
Read Column →October 19th, 2021
If there’s anything I like more than disappearing into a good horror novel, it’s diving into the history of things that go bump in the night. And sure, I’ve always been a bit of a sucker for research and history, but when that first chill of autumn air hits my face, I suddenly feel reinvigorated to learn about all things witchy, occult, and monstrous.
Read Column →Professional editors help your manuscript stand out for the right reasons.