Showing 3555 Columns
Showing 3555 Columns
December 26th, 2012
Navigating the rough terrain of today’s publishing industry shouldn’t be a solo event. This week in Ask the Agent, I’ll explore and dissect three of the industry’s mysteries, straight from the shoulder. Question from Amanda My question: If a writer receives [an offer of] representation from one agent while she's working on a Revise and Resubmit for another agent, should she notify the R&R agent that she received an offer?
Read Column →December 21st, 2012
I. Hemingway’s Thoughts on Interior Decoration Ernest Hemingway said that “prose is architecture, not interior decoration.” Some of us might not like to think of fiction as something so architectural, something so concrete as, well, concrete. But we’d do better to interpret Hemingway's statement as encouragement to see fiction not as blue-print or mathematical formula, but as form. The difference between the two is the difference between an erector-set and a wheel-thrown vase.
Read Column →December 21st, 2012
To blag (v): to sound like you know what you’re talking about when you don’t The Blagger’s Guide to Literature (n): an invaluable resource for those who wish to blag about books without actually reading them. Ha! I don’t need a Blagger’s Guide to Tolkien – I can go and see the films! And what about when your date asks you about the books afterwards? What then huh? Huh??
Read Column →December 21st, 2012
We haven’t had a good ol’ Book Brawl round these parts in quite some time, but I think the holiday spirit demands a little merry pugilist action. In the ring today, we have the two most classic tales of Yuletide: Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Who shall prevail in a display of brute strength and glad tidings? Let’s find out!
Read Column →December 20th, 2012
Several months ago, Indiana Review staffer Joe Hiland wrote a great column about many of the submissions that routinely appear in the I.R.’s slush pile. Its timing was apropos for me, as I've recently felt like an unwitting subject in a perplexing metaphysical paradox: I keep running into the same stories in fiction workshops over and over again.
Read Column →December 20th, 2012
Below you will find a list of my top 10 fantasy releases of 2012. This is not intended as a comprehensive list, but is a selection of the things I have read and seen. Also, keep in mind that the order is very loose. I welcome differing opinions, alternate selections, and suggestions in the comments. Without further ado...
Read Column →December 19th, 2012
Original image via Wikipedia “Copyright.”
Read Column →December 19th, 2012
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December 18th, 2012
This weekend saw the long-anticipated release of Peter Jackson’s cinematic adaptation of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit (which made a butt-load of money). And while I love The Lord of the Rings and grew up in the shadow of its huge, looming presence, it was only after The Hobbit film was announced that I realized how I often prefer the story of Bilbo Baggins.
Read Column →December 18th, 2012
Authors have been turning to crowdfunding sites in droves to raise money for publishing projects. After all, things like editing, formatting, digital conversion, marketing, publicity, registration and distribution ain't cheap. And while the mainstay sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo are certainly viable, it was only a matter of time before someone built a platform tailored directly to writers. Enter: Pubslush.
Read Column →Our free writing app lets you set writing goals and track your progress, so you can finally write that book!