Well, we’re officially (almost) halfway through 2022! That feels like a lie, but time is fake, and who am I to quibble with the calendar? Regardless, this is a milestone worth celebrating, because it means it’s finally time for me to make a list of 12 YA novels I’m highly anticipating in the second half of the year! Without further ado, let’s dive on in.
"What Souls Are Made Of: A Wuthering Heights Remix" by Tasha Suri
I have been a huge fan of every installment in the Remixed Classic series to date, and I’m so looking forward to Suri’s take on Wuthering Heights! I love the way Suri writes. She has a gorgeous style that swirls her settings to life, and I’m thrilled to read her take on the moors and see just how she captures this atmosphere.
Get What Souls Are Made Of at Bookshop or Amazon
"Youngblood" by Sasha Laurens
I am simply here for all the queer characters, especially the vampire ones! This book promises intrigue and, with its comparison to The Vampire Diaries, I think we can expect that the drama will be rich and thrilling, so frankly, I can’t wait until July 19th for this to release!
Get Youngblood at Bookshop or Amazon
"Eternally Yours" edited by Patrice Caldwell
This is an anthology of the supernatural with stories penned by some of my absolute favorite authors working today. I also read and adored A Phoenix First Must Burn, which Caldwell also edited, and I still mull over some of the stories in that collection two years on. I’m positive this installment will be equally stunning and stay with me forever!
Get Eternally Yours at Bookshop or Amazon
"Blood Like Fate" by Liselle Sambury
The sequel to a book that utterly blew me away last summer, I’m highly anticipating Blood Like Fate because I know it’s going to be full of high stakes, interesting magic, and twists I’ll never expect. I cannot wait to see how Voya’s story continues. This series promises betrayal that’s so sweet, and I can’t wait to soak it in!
Get Blood Like Fate at Bookshop or Amazon
"Foul Lady Fortune" by Chloe Gong
It wouldn’t be a list of anticipated books by me if Chloe Gong didn’t make an appearance! I’m actually reading an ARC of this book, so when I tell you Foul Lady Fortune takes the world that Gong created in These Violent Delights/Our Violent Ends and masterfully expands it, that I fell for this cast of characters as hard as I did for those in the original duology, and that this book will make your heart race at the twists, the turns, and the swoons, know that I’m not lying. I can’t wait to hold a finished copy of this one!
Get Foul Lady Fortune at Bookshop or Amazon
"The Sunbearer Trials" by Aiden Thomas
Aiden Thomas, y’all! They spin up stories that are so imaginative and creative I can only dream of someday being half that good. This book is the start to a new duology all about semidioses who compete in mysterious trials, and when I tell you that I am positively vibrating with excitement to get my grubby hands on a copy — wow. It promises magic, excitement, and probably some heartbreak as well. I can’t wait!
Get The Sunbearer Trials at Bookshop or Amazon
"Drizzle, Dreams, and Lovestruck Things" by Maya Prasad
I’m a sucker for a good YA rom-com, and this promises to pay up in dividends. It follows four sisters, is comped to To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, and I cannot stop staring at the cover because it’s absolutely out of this world. I really love books that follow multiple sisters’ journeys, and this one does so along four different seasons, which is an extra jolt of awesomeness. I’m so excited to read this book by a debut author!
Get Drizzle Dreams and Lovestruck Things at Bookshop or Amazon
"Strike the Zither" by Joan He
This is a fantasy inspired by a Chinese classic, and it sounds really intriguing. It sounds magical and twisty and, like the synopsis says, very chaotic. In the best and most intriguing way! I am intrigued by stories of people excelling at what they do, and this story about Zephyr, a master strategist, sounds right up my alley.
Get Strike the Zither at Bookshop or Amazon
"The Ones We Burn" by Rebecca Mix
I had the legit honor of reading a copy of this book last year and it is fan-freaking-tastic. Mix is a stunning talent and her story about a lesbian witch who’s sent to assassinate her betrothed but falls for his sister (oops) is dark and brutal but left me feeling like a piece of my soul had been stitched back where it belongs. I can’t wait for the world to read it.
Get The Ones We Burn at Bookshop or Amazon
"Bloodmarked" by Tracy Deonn
I’m sorry but I have been waiting over two years for this book and I cannot account for how feral I will become once it’s in my hands. Legendborn stole my heart in 2020, and Bloodmarked will finally answer some questions, doubtlessly raise more, and provide more insight into a world I’m obsessed with. I’m hoping we’ll see even more of the rich magic systems Deonn came up with. I simply can’t wait to be back with my girl Bree! (And Sel.)
Get Bloodmarked at Bookshop or Amazon
"Never Ever Getting Back Together" by Sophie Gonzales
Honestly this book has everything I love: sapphic romance, dating competition, and the author is Sophie Gonzales. It promises fun and drama and romance. Also, the concept of getting revenge by publicly breaking someone’s heart has absolutely crossed my mind before, so this feels like something I have to read. I’ve loved two of Gonzales’ previous works and trust her to bring the laughs with the swoons and the character growth.
Get Never Getting Back Together at Bookshop or Amazon
"A Million to One" by Adiba Jaigirdar
You’re telling me Adiba Jaigirdar wrote a heist story, set on the Titanic, and there’s sapphic romance? Literally so there! I’m already obsessed and all I’ve done is look at the cover and read the synopsis. Four girls embark on a journey aboard a doomed ship and…I need to know what happens next! Cannot wait for this one in December!
What about you, YA fans? What are you looking forward to reading the rest of the year?

About the author
Karis Rogerson is a mid-20s aspiring author who lives in Brooklyn and works at a cafe—so totally that person they warn you about when you declare your English major. In addition to embracing the cliched nature of her life, she spends her days reading, binge-watching cop shows (Olivia Benson is her favorite character) and fangirling about all things literary, New York and selfie-related. You can find her other writing on her website and maybe someday you’ll be able to buy her novels.