As the year draws to a close, it's only natural that we all take a moment to reflect on what we've done in the past 366. (Leap year!) Personally, I had successes and setbacks both personal and professional. And yet, one of my biggest accomplishments -- seriously! -- was providing a safe online space for people to extrapolate the plots of forgotten Science Fiction novels based solely on their covers. I didn't expect Guess The Plot to be my legacy, but I'm certainly not complaining either. Your comments never cease to amaze/terrify me, and for that -- even at this slightly tardy date -- i am very, very thankful. But enough reflection, on to the game!.
Here's How To Play: Come up with a short description of the following book’s plot. Your theoretical summary should be the logical extension of the cover, although wild-ass extrapolation is certainly encouraged. And no checking with Google for plot information, we want pure originality! Then post your work in the comment section below. (Check out the previous installments for inspiration.)
And so, I give to you - via my amazing, eternally patient editors Josh and Dennis - the new pinnacle of Guess That Plot...
As a newly engaged fellow myself, I have just one question: is this really how easy it used to be? Because -- and please don't think I'm complaining -- but I put in a ton of work a courtin' and a romancin' my special lady. And yet, from what I'm seeing here, all a gent needed to land a spouse back in the '50s was a couple vacuum tubes, a terrible haircut, and an even worse nautical painting. Of course, it's not like everything was easier back then. There was always a very real chance that the lingerie clad, seemingly hypnotized women that you phased through your wall might actually be a devil - or Satan himself! (And he's no lady, don't you know.) Criminy -- all the sock hops and beat poetry in the world can't be worth that kind of hassle! I know this might be somewhat controversial, but despite the loss of manufacturing, I think it's a good thing all those wife factories have closed down. Jobs are jobs, sure, but demonic possession has to be worse than stagflation, huh?
What in the heck of hell is going on here? Please leave your short plot synopsis in the comments.

About the author
Originally from Concord, Massachusetts, Jon Korn spent a decade in Los Angeles trying to get warm. He now lives in Oakland, where he works as a writer and film festival programmer. Over the past 10 years, Jon has watched tens of thousands of movies for the Sundance Film Festival, AFI FEST, Outfest, and CineVegas, among others. Not all of them were good, but it is still a wonderful job. Jon is the co-creator of the Echo Park Time Travel Mart and a Jeopardy! champion. His hobbies include cooking, being sad about baseball, and not answering the phone.