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Kudzu Man the GMO evolution of humans

By mamewhit in Scare Us

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"i told them not to plant those seeds. i told all the farmers around

here they would one day reap what they had sown. i

myself never ate the stuff. yeah! i have lived here all my life. you

people keep coming here and this thing is going to

spread."  Dr. Pueraria Lobata sat on her front porch rocking to and 

fro with an anxiety so great she was shaking and

sweating and a little green. She had not seen another person for

days and preferred it that way. the last few months had

been unnerving and it was unusual to see a face again. a face with

no mask. you could smell the wet dirt. just another hot, sultry,

southern summer night, but it was silent. not a creature around for

miles. the normal croaking and chirping of the night had been gone

for years.  the investigator was a young man that looked like he was

one of the elites. one of those globalist ready to control the

situation. all the new cities were full of clones just like him.

they had separated themselves off from the rest of the so called

lowly unmodified commoners. he wore a high tech suit

full of the latest gadgetry.

"let me hear your story again, Dr. Lobata. my name is Justice

Walker, and i am  with the UN globalforce. i report directly to the

authority in charge of this investigation."

Dr. Lobata was frustrated and still suffering from shock.  "i am

going to tell you everything from the beginning and you

had better get me live in the cloud and all over the social networks.

i want this documented. i want all of you in those closed off mega

ecocities to see what is coming. you think you so pristine and free

from diseases, but a parasite is burrowing right up your asses. i give

you two years, maybe three, before this disease transforms your

white clean technomad cities. it is going to be a pandemic of epic

apocalyptic proportions. you have all eaten the fruit of the

forbidden tree. i say only the ones like me will survive."

"please, Dr. Lobata, we have all our scientist working on this. we

are trying to bring back the seed vault. to replant and

find  alternative food sources soon. please tell me what happened


"well" , the doctor took a deep wheezing breath and replied. "it

started near on 50 years ago i'd say.  you know, you have

heard the stories. back in the early 2000's they started planting that

gmo corn and manipulating all the crops. it was bad

out west  in the bread basket, but what they did here in the south,

here it changed everything. we mainly grew soybeans,

cotton and a few other crops, but i think it had something to do with

that kudzu. somehow it started to mutate. i have lived

in pleasant hills all my life. grew up running through kudzu. you

know the history. it was brought in from japan to stop

erosion. mississippi is covered up in kudzu. it took over the south.

farmers had to spray all kinds of herbicide to keep it

away from their crops. i think it was about ten years back i started

seeing the change. something had happened in the

fields. i think that kudzu was affected by those gmo crops. i think it

genetically changed the make up of kudzu and

somehow it has mingled with human dna. i started hearing tell of

women dreaming of a green plant monster raping them in their

sleep. a green plant like man strangling them almost to death.

these stories have been passed down now a generation,

maybe two. i don't know, these people also ate the genetically

modified food, so who knows how it happened. i got myself

off the food chain years ago. i only eat what i grow. save all my

own seeds. i stayed isolated and out of those fields.

basically i have followed the wildlife. they know. they have a sense.

like before tsunamis they head to higher ground or get

nervous before earthquakes. if you look around these parts you

can scarcely find an insect let alone birds or bees. i will

have to follow soon. but i warn you. this is coming to your

ecocities. i think it will even jump to those seasteading cities,

too. they only eat genetically modified foods. you think i am a

lunatic. but i have seen these creatures. i used to be a

scientists,  a botanist. i worked for the university of mississippi. the

area hospitals started contacting us asking all kinds of

questions about kudzu and modified plants and organisms. they sent

us a lot of material. we started analyzing. i knew then

i had to remain isolated from society. this thing that did this, he was

one of those modified creatures. they are calling them

phytomen. i saw the old Faulk house after the murders.  the little

one survived, but he took her with him. i think she is

his offspring. she had that look and had stopped eating food. that

night, the night of the murders, he had crept into the

mothers room and was penetrating her from behind. her husband

walked in and that creature did not stop his evil defiling

act, but turned and sent a vine like object from his head strangling

Mr. Faulk as he watched.  the phytoman must have known

then that it was over, people would now know his truth; because

what he did to the mother and son was unspeakable. it was like

he did not care to stay hidden any longer. he took his pleasure with

both of them. you saw it. that scene was horrific! you, i

am sure, have seen all of the dna evidence. that phytoman is part

human part plant. part KUDZU! i believe. i think they are

multiplying and still mutating. strange thing is, i think it works

through male dna easier. it is having a hard time mutating in the

female human. that is why he had to come after that little faulk girl.

he had produced a female offspring. soon i think you will see more

mutations in your cities. i have tried to think like a plant. oh!  how

crazy that sounds, i know.  these human plants will have nothing on

their minds but propagation of the species. now they seem to need

chlorophyll only but i think eventually they will fully mutate with

the carnivorous human and become meat eating

phytohumans. this is one dna mutation away from changing the

evolution of this planet. i hope your scientists have a

planned course of action, Mr. Walker. "

"well, Dr. Lobata," said Justice Walker. "we would like you to

come with us and help. you have the background we need

to set up the program for eradicating this disease. i have orders to

take you directly to the UN WHO labs at our seastead. 

it is the only pure organic city not contaminated with modified

organisms. we have been like you and maintained a

separate  food source and we are totally disease free. before i take

you, you must undergo a body scan and let me analyze

your dna for contamination. we must leave here quickly though. "

Dr. Lobata looked down at the rich soil and said, " all these years i

have been keeping myself away from you futurist

elites, trying to stay clean and live of the earth and you think i am

just going to come with you and put my trust in you

hoping you are not contaminated, leaving the earth for a city on the

water. have you thought about air contamination? do

you know how plants pollinate? what is your clean source of water?

i have my own plans i am not going with you elitist.

"but, but, i have my orders to bring you by force if need be Dr.

Lobata. we need your expertise. we need to stop this now",

cried Justice Walker with a tinge of desperation and apprehensive


"i think it too late already." said Dr. Pueraria Lobata .

as she did she started to turn a tinge of green and large kudzu like

vines grew from her skin. like the speed of a shooting

star she covered her visitor with choking vines. when she retreated

all that was left of Justice Walker was his suit and

shoes. Dr. Lobata had thoroughly consumed him like the devil

tongued amorphophallus titanum eating an insect.


Jane Wiseman's picture
Jane Wiseman from living outside of Albuquerque/in Minneapolis is reading Look to Windward by Iain M. Banks July 21, 2012 - 5:01pm

Hehe, this story needs a LOT of work, but from the moment we learn the good doctor's name to the moment she. . . Don't want to spoil anything here. . . Does what she does, it's a hoot. You need to work on the punctuation and grammar quite a bit, though. At first, I wondered if you might be running everything together for effect, but by the end I'd decided that you just don't know how to punctuate. Please learn! Read some stories you admire and note how the writers punctuate dialogue. I want this story to work! It's full of fun little science factoids, and I've ALWAYS thought there was something homicidal about kudzu. Zucchini too; maybe you could do that one next. 

Jane Wiseman's picture
Jane Wiseman from living outside of Albuquerque/in Minneapolis is reading Look to Windward by Iain M. Banks July 21, 2012 - 5:02pm

Hehe, this story needs a LOT of work, but from the moment we learn the good doctor's name to the moment she. . . Don't want to spoil anything here. . . Does what she does, it's a hoot. You need to work on the punctuation and grammar quite a bit, though. At first, I wondered if you might be running everything together for effect, but by the end I'd decided that you just don't know how to punctuate. Please learn! Read some stories you admire and note how the writers punctuate dialogue. I want this story to work! It's full of fun little science factoids, and I've ALWAYS thought there was something homicidal about kudzu. Zucchini too; maybe you could do that one next. 

Jane Wiseman's picture
Jane Wiseman from living outside of Albuquerque/in Minneapolis is reading Look to Windward by Iain M. Banks July 21, 2012 - 5:02pm

Oops, I seem to have posted this twice. Sorry!

Emma C's picture
Class Facilitator
Emma C from Los Angeles is reading Black Spire by Delilah Dawson July 28, 2012 - 10:14am

I found this really difficult to read due to the lack of capitalization and punctuation as well as the type (bold and italicized). You seem to switch narration after the first few sentences and it's hard to tell whether it's intentional. 

I think you probably have a good idea here but it was so hard to read I wasn't able to get anything out of the story. Take Jane's advice, work on mechanics, and try again.

mamewhit's picture
mamewhit July 28, 2012 - 11:51am

thank you for your comments.  i know i am no e. e. cummings, but i do hate caps. we should appreciate the editor, for i can not stand to interrupt the creativity for the task. i probably should not have submitted this little creative break, as it was a quick write. i have since corrected some errors. i think i might have been trying to channel a little faulkner with no success. it would be interesting to see the exchange between famous writers and their editors. it is hard to have a manuscript bowdlerized and makes one resistant to the modern grammarians. 

Brandy Batz's picture
Brandy Batz from Los Angeles is reading The Instructions By Adam Levin July 28, 2012 - 3:07pm

This was hard to read because the font was small and there were numerous grammar errors.   The premise is interesting. Maybe you could show and not tell a bit more. For example, give us some of the characters actions so we can infer about their personality rather than just stating it. I like the names of the characters, very interesting. 

Pushpaw's picture
Pushpaw from Canada is reading Building Stories by Chris Ware July 29, 2012 - 7:48am

I have to agree with Brandy Batz + the others - this is hard to read because of formatting etc. Also agree with Brandy Batz that the biggest difficulty is that the whole plot is told by one guy in one paragraph. It's like the summary for a story. I do like the idea of GMO as horror story, as it hits home. Love the concept, but can't really judge what this is yet, as it's still too raw. Thanks for sharing.

mamewhit's picture
mamewhit July 31, 2012 - 7:43am

kudzu man revision. please feel free to suggest edits. still slighting the cap. thank you!