TomMartinArt's picture
TomMartinArt from Amherst, MA April 25, 2016 - 6:43am

I'm curious about venues or sites where one can put up serial installments of an ongoing story.

I used to do this years ago with a "story hour" section on a D&D forum, when I was writing up installments of a campaign. The fan feedback drove me and in the end I wrote over 250,000 words. Now that I'm trying to write a novel, I find I miss that feeling of pounding out 1,500 words at a time and immediately getting to see people react to it. So I'm wondering, what are the best ways to do that, these days? Are there sites that cater to serialized writing like this?

I know that SILO series guy put out the story in little installments via Amazon Direct Publishing, but don't know where to look up how he found his audience, or how big the installments were. Info like that would also be useful.

I'm asking because I honestly don't write for me, or feel I need to write at all. I write because I got hooked on the acclaim and want to keep chasing that fan response high, and in the end, I want to have a novel.

Thuggish's picture
Thuggish from Vegas is reading Day of the Jackal April 25, 2016 - 3:49pm

do an ongoing exchange with someone or something like that?

TomMartinArt's picture
TomMartinArt from Amherst, MA April 25, 2016 - 5:47pm

An ongoing exchange with someone?

Thuggish's picture
Thuggish from Vegas is reading Day of the Jackal April 25, 2016 - 8:58pm

So someone else who has a novel written, or writing it like you, and you send back and forth simultaneously.