W. Jordan's picture
W. Jordan from somewhere in Texas is reading The Shining by Stephen King September 5, 2012 - 4:17pm

I just feel like hearing it from people who find these topics interesting. It also helps me redefine my considerations. I can't wait to hear it!

W. Jordan's picture
W. Jordan from somewhere in Texas is reading The Shining by Stephen King September 5, 2012 - 4:21pm

Tell me!?

Bradley Sands's picture
Bradley Sands from Boston is reading Greil Marcus's The History of Rock 'N' Roll in Ten Songs September 5, 2012 - 6:04pm

YA=teenage readers

Courtney's picture
Courtney from the Midwest is reading Monkey: A Journey to the West and a thousand college textbooks September 6, 2012 - 9:37pm

YA is written for teens, but I think anyone can read it. Jodi Picoult is a good example -- she writes specifically for teenagers, but adults love her just as much. There are a lot of problems with the way literature is somehow expected to fit an age category.

I think a good example would be Stephen King. He's technically adult fiction, but teens read him just as much as adults.

Then there are the writers who sort of hover on the edge of adolesence, like M.T. Anderson. I could never figure out exactly why he was YA -- was it because he was a genre writer? because his prose was accessible? because he wrote about teenagers?

And finally, there are writers like Palahniuk, who writes "adult" fiction but has a much more prominent young adult fanbase. I know a shit ton more teens who like him than adults, and I "grew out" of my Palahniuk phase around the time I hit sixteen, which was in 2009.

Daniel Mariano's picture
Daniel Mariano from Inland Empire, CA is reading Be Still By Tania L. Ramos October 13, 2012 - 5:31pm

Young adult can mean teen, yet... a lot of adults tend to read YA because they're trying to rekindle the past while Teens are reading more adult age range books because they're trying to better them selves, or just trying to not look retarded. 

Jonathan Riley's picture
Jonathan Riley from Memphis, Tennessee is reading Flashover by Gordon Highland October 13, 2012 - 5:38pm

I don't know much about the genre but I was told that if the protaganist in the story is between the ages 12-17 then it most likely falls into the Y.A. genre unless it is already designated to Horror or Noir or whatever. So I guess my point is that Y.A. is defined more by the nature of the material than it is by the group that decides to read it.

I've recently written two Horror stories where the charachters were in these age groups. My friend told me that those horor stories were borderline Y.A./Fantasy. But the grusome nature in which I killed my characters would make the stories unapealing for people who tend to read those genres. So really I think I have no idea what I am talking about.

JEFFREY GRANT BARR from Central OR is reading Nothing but fucking Shakespeare, for the rest of my life October 13, 2012 - 6:04pm

Oh, well, if your friend said it, then it must be true. Oy, this thread. If you'e just looking to waste time, may I suggest needle-point or masturbation? Do NOT get the supplies confused.



I disagree with what you said, but I really don't have any actual points of my own to make.  So instead, I'm going to be aggressive, but in an awkward way where I also try to pass it off as some kind of humor.  Sorry I had nothing of value to contribute!



avery of the dead's picture
avery of the dead from Kentucky is reading Cipher Sisters October 13, 2012 - 6:09pm

I respect your honesty there, Mr. Barr

Jonathan Riley's picture
Jonathan Riley from Memphis, Tennessee is reading Flashover by Gordon Highland October 13, 2012 - 6:14pm

It's fine KGB. I laughed my ass off. I don't think I offered an oppinion of my own anyway. I guess since I don't know squat about Y.A. I should just keep my f-ing mouth shut.* I started with needle point but confused the materials. But I sewed a lovely bib with my penis.


* really I should believe in myself a little bit more, I mean, hey, my opinion matters as much as anyone's, right?

avery of the dead's picture
avery of the dead from Kentucky is reading Cipher Sisters October 13, 2012 - 6:19pm

It does.

Jonathan Riley's picture
Jonathan Riley from Memphis, Tennessee is reading Flashover by Gordon Highland October 13, 2012 - 6:23pm

That is hilarious. God is talking for me again. I think it's because I  use passiveness, but in an awkward way where I also try to pass it off as some kind of humor. 

All that other stuff was unimportant.


avery of the dead's picture
avery of the dead from Kentucky is reading Cipher Sisters October 13, 2012 - 6:36pm


...slow night...

sean of the dead's picture
sean of the dead from Madisonville, KY is reading Peckerwood, by Jed Ayres October 13, 2012 - 6:41pm



*sorry for the weird enthusiasm, I just...really like YA.

PandaMask's picture
PandaMask from Los Angeles is reading More Than Human October 13, 2012 - 6:50pm

Like everyone else said YA is aimed at teens.

My understanding of classics have always been books that have been highly regarded and still hold literary value after a certain number of years. Don't ask me how many years I wouldn't know.

I think classics should be labeled as what you consider to be a classic personally.

People say To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic, but I was always neutral towards that book. I did love Aticus Finch though. He's one of my favorite literary characters, but that's off topic.

Also I don't mean to offend because I know there are a lot of fans here for that particular book. It just never struck a chord with me as much as other books have and that usually happens to most people.

Dave's picture
Dave from a city near you is reading constantly October 13, 2012 - 7:34pm

Looks like The Censor is up to shenanigans. 



PandaMask's picture
PandaMask from Los Angeles is reading More Than Human October 13, 2012 - 7:36pm

The Censor?



JEFFREY GRANT BARR from Central OR is reading Nothing but fucking Shakespeare, for the rest of my life October 13, 2012 - 7:52pm

The censer swings, emitting its foul smoke!


*just got

PandaMask's picture
PandaMask from Los Angeles is reading More Than Human October 13, 2012 - 7:54pm

This place has become a dystopia.


*super bored

Dave's picture
Dave from a city near you is reading constantly October 13, 2012 - 8:36pm

I know right? What happened?  Used to be I could hardly keep up with all the conversations, now it's like, I'll check back next week when I have a minute to read new posts. 

Like people have lives or something. 



Emma C's picture
Class Facilitator
Emma C from Los Angeles is reading Black Spire by Delilah Dawson October 13, 2012 - 8:52pm

I wrote the book I wanted, then was told it's YA. Sigh. Because I want to publish it, I've had to research YA. Yes, anyone can read it, but from an industry standpoint, YA stories revolve around a character 13-18 years old, and covers certain coming-of-age themes. Age of readers is irrelevant in the classification, from what I understand.

Classic stories are those that have universal or timeless themes. I agree, Mockingbird is a great example. Dickins' work is all classic, as is A Wrinkle in Time.

I realise now I should've said something offensive so the Defender could fuck with me.


*then I

JEFFREY GRANT BARR from Central OR is reading Nothing but fucking Shakespeare, for the rest of my life October 13, 2012 - 8:42pm



PandaMask's picture
PandaMask from Los Angeles is reading More Than Human October 13, 2012 - 8:52pm


Very right.

Back in the good ol' days there were posts as far as the eyes could see.



Dave's picture
Dave from a city near you is reading constantly October 13, 2012 - 9:20pm

Ah the good ol' days. 


*and now

PandaMask's picture
PandaMask from Los Angeles is reading More Than Human October 13, 2012 - 9:24pm

IRC Chats were the best.

Pork Pie


*I'm going

Dave's picture
Dave from a city near you is reading constantly October 13, 2012 - 9:51pm

LOL. That was some good times. 


*to bed.

avery of the dead's picture
avery of the dead from Kentucky is reading Cipher Sisters October 13, 2012 - 10:22pm

*have fun, gang

PandaMask's picture
PandaMask from Los Angeles is reading More Than Human October 13, 2012 - 10:58pm

Stop working your devil magic!