FoxyLenz's picture
FoxyLenz from Shangri -L.I is reading Mists of Avalon July 14, 2012 - 12:09pm

Well not really, I'm here and poking around, but really focused on this project riding a wave of productivity. I will be back soon, workshopping and posting more message board games. I'm trying to hit the 1/2-2/3 way point of my first draft before the end of the summer. 

So for now I retreat back into my cave....

Michael J. Riser's picture
Michael J. Riser from CA, TX, Japan, back to CA is reading The Tyrant - Michael Cisco, The Devil Takes You Home - Gabino Iglesias July 14, 2012 - 1:00pm

Good luck! You're doing what I should be doing.

Dwayne's picture
Dwayne from Cincinnati, Ohio (suburbs) is reading books that rotate to often to keep this updated July 14, 2012 - 8:18pm

I thought you were another Foxy, sorry. Welcome, how is the novel going?

FoxyLenz's picture
FoxyLenz from Shangri -L.I is reading Mists of Avalon July 14, 2012 - 11:08pm

Kind of stuck, there is a lot going on.  Might have to cut or break it up a bit. For now my goal is to get it all down and I will fix what doesn't work later. 

Blair's picture
Blair from Southern California is reading Needful Things July 16, 2012 - 4:36pm

Oh man. Foxy. Last month I threw 40k words in the trash. That got me unstuck.

FoxyLenz's picture
FoxyLenz from Shangri -L.I is reading Mists of Avalon July 17, 2012 - 12:13pm

That sounds painful....although I will probably have to do the same