Thuggish's picture
Thuggish from Vegas is reading Day of the Jackal November 28, 2016 - 2:59pm

Just stumbled on this little piece of thought food...

Gordon Highland's picture
Gordon Highland from Kansas City is reading Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore November 29, 2016 - 3:57pm

Transient hypo-frontality. Interesting. They talk about inducing it with exercise, but of course there are lots of other mindless activities that can do this as well. You always hear about inspiration arriving in the shower or on the toilet or whatnot. I posted on here several years ago about experimenting with "writing" fiction dictated into a voice-memo app while riding a stationary bike. Super productive from a word-count standpoint, but a lot more work in the editorial stage to cut the crap. That's maybe a little different because I was doing both simultaneously instead of waiting until exercise was over. Maybe, I dunno.

Some people find their flow under chemical influence. In those situations, I prefer just to brainstorm, because while all kinds of interesting ditties beam down my antenna, focusing on any one of them isn't very effective for me. Then later I'll find the diamonds in the coal (usually just a single line or phrase) and extrapolate from them to compose actual songs or stories or whatever. Instead of "write drunk, edit sober" it's more like "seed drunk, write in the flow, edit sober." Most creativity, I think, is about making uncommon connections between disparate things. Juxtapositions. Even a simple Mad-Lib will do the trick, or some random image prompt. Some of us excel at that—perhaps innately, but I like to think it's just practice—while for others that remains mysterious.

Thuggish's picture
Thuggish from Vegas is reading Day of the Jackal November 29, 2016 - 5:39pm

I think it's just zoning out. Alcohol does it for me, being sleepy does it for me, walking does it for me... all work, sometimes.

Don't write drunk, write buzzed...


PS hey, Gordon, where you been?

Gordon Highland's picture
Gordon Highland from Kansas City is reading Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore November 30, 2016 - 12:07pm

Hola!  I'm not reading or writing at the moment—haven't been for a while now—so not much to contribute. But I peek in here and there. Gearing up to start on my next album. Been focused on music the past couple of years. Y'know, and a lot of TV.

Sheri Attani Rohrbacher's picture
Sheri Attani Ro... from San Jose, CA is reading The Blindfold by Siri Hustvedt December 3, 2016 - 7:53pm

If I'm not going to work, I write in the morning (the creative part mainly). I can do the editting at anytime unless I just got off work (my brain refuses to function then). Definitely have the flow thing going in the morning.

Thuggish's picture
Thuggish from Vegas is reading Day of the Jackal December 4, 2016 - 1:17am

I've actually seen psychological-whatever-facts that say that creativity is at its worst around the mid/late afternoon. Morning and late night seems to be the way to go neurologically. I'll attest to that.

(This is not to make excuses not to do any writing if it's 430pm!)

smithreynolds's picture
smithreynolds from Spokane, WA USA is reading The writing on the wall. December 4, 2016 - 9:12pm

This was an interesting conversation. Thanks for the link. Also accidently for me see Joe Rogan, who I am curious about. So, again. Thanks.

Thuggish's picture
Thuggish from Vegas is reading Day of the Jackal December 4, 2016 - 10:45pm

I've really been enjoying his podcasts as of late.