Thuggish's picture
Thuggish from Vegas is reading Day of the Jackal May 25, 2014 - 6:03pm

I just discovered this by accident, figured I'd share.

In front of a word, ctrl + del = delete entire word.  Behind it, ctrl + del = backspace entire word.


Gordon Highland's picture
Gordon Highland from Kansas City is reading Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore May 26, 2014 - 4:36am

Another handy one for writers, to invert your screen colors:

Mac:  Ctrl-Opt-Cmd-8
Win7: Windows-+, then Windows--(minus), then Ctrl-Alt-i

Utah's picture
Utah from Fort Worth, TX is reading Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry May 28, 2014 - 8:17am

Holy shit, Gordon, I love you.  In, like, a totally not-weird way.

Maybe kinda weird.

Gordon Highland's picture
Gordon Highland from Kansas City is reading Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore May 28, 2014 - 8:55am

Weird is the only way, really.

More Mac shorties: Most people know about Cmd-Tab (Alt-Tab on PC) to carousel through the application switcher, but did you know you can hit the accent key above it to reverse direction? When you've got as many apps open as I do, that's handy. Others for common special characters:

• Option-8
© Option-G
™ Option-2
… Option-;