David Shepherd's picture
David Shepherd from shepherdsville, KY is reading Idoru by William Gibbson December 20, 2011 - 5:10am

For some reason when i try to upload a story to the workshop when you try to download it word will say the file has problems and cannot be opened, something along those lines anyways. I'm terrible with technology so could somebody please help me rectify this so i  can bedazzle you all with my beautiful words?

Dwayne's picture
Dwayne from Cincinnati, Ohio (suburbs) is reading books that rotate to often to keep this updated December 20, 2011 - 5:20am

What format are you trying to upload?

wickedvoodoo's picture
wickedvoodoo from Mansfield, England is reading stuff. December 20, 2011 - 5:52am

It's most likely the .docx (from the newest version Word) issue again. MS were a right pain in the arse and didn't make it back-compatible. So if your reviewers don't have the latest Word they can't open those files.

Save your story as a regular .doc and then upload that. Any version of Word should be good with those.

David Shepherd's picture
David Shepherd from shepherdsville, KY is reading Idoru by William Gibbson December 20, 2011 - 5:59am

Never mind, i just got a review on it so i guess it's just my computer not reading it. Apparently though others can read it. How do i save my file as just a .doc though? I should probably go ahead and do this for all  my peices. I'm at a complete loss when it comes to computers haha.

wickedvoodoo's picture
wickedvoodoo from Mansfield, England is reading stuff. December 20, 2011 - 6:21am

When you click 'save-as' there is a drop down menu for filetype. On there you can select .doc. It says Word 1997-2003 (.doc). Or something like that.