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SConley from Texas is reading Coin Locker Babies August 27, 2014 - 5:32am

I just finished this book and am re-reading it after a few people recommended it on Richard Thomas' Facebook. I fell absolutely in love with it. It's disgusting and unsettling and more violent than almost everything I've read but at the same time it's heartbreakingly beautiful and masterfully detailed.

I feel like it deserves more credit and exposure and people here would really like it. I've never read anything like this before. It's about a teenage girl and her insane road trip with her lunatic father who rivals some of the greatest villains in literature and they run across all kinds of sordid characters and situations. There's a severed penis, bodies galore, knives, LSD, murder, mass murder, cash, and trains. Just beautiful.

Who else has read it and what did they think? I was floored.