Jeff's picture
Jeff from Florida is reading Another Side of Bob Dylan by Victor Maymudes January 15, 2014 - 2:47am

Please post everything you look to that keeps you going, those things that reassert your desire to create. And yes, get sappy, get deep, get to that place that really is where you pull from to create. Those things, those people, those whatevers that touches you so deeply you can't help but create. Share that with me. Share that with us.

big_old_dave's picture
big_old_dave from Watford, about 20 miles outside London, Uk January 15, 2014 - 4:16am

L.W. Flouisa's picture
L.W. Flouisa from Tennessee is reading More Murakami January 15, 2014 - 7:23am


I include the last bit as a joke.

Jack Campbell Jr.'s picture
Jack Campbell Jr. from Lawrence, KS is reading American Rust by Phillipp Meyer January 15, 2014 - 7:56am

There is a ton of stuff on this blog. I've got it bookmark and watch stuff as I get time.

Jose F. Diaz's picture
Jose F. Diaz from Boston is reading Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel January 16, 2014 - 12:41am

What is it you really want to say in your writing? What is your honest message that will matter?

Jose F. Diaz's picture
Jose F. Diaz from Boston is reading Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel January 16, 2014 - 12:45am

OtterMan's picture
OtterMan from New Jersey, near Philadelphia USA is reading Ringworlds Children January 17, 2014 - 1:25pm


Not long, but profound in my mind

OtterMan's picture
OtterMan from New Jersey, near Philadelphia USA is reading Ringworlds Children January 17, 2014 - 1:47pm

Please post everything you look to that keeps you going, those things that reassert your desire to create. And yes, get sappy, get deep, get to that place that really is where you pull from to create. Those things, those people, those whatevers that touches you so deeply you can't help but create. Share that with me. Share that with us.

That was a very good speech. My daughter is a senior this year at that very school. I hope her speaker is as interesting. I also really hope she can find a job...

Jeff's picture
Jeff from Florida is reading Another Side of Bob Dylan by Victor Maymudes January 18, 2014 - 8:56pm
Covewriter's picture
Covewriter from Nashville, Tennessee is reading & Sons January 18, 2014 - 9:28pm

I love all the videos and links posted, but I rarely find media or the internet thing  than inspires me to create. For me it is running and clearing my mind to think, getting away from everything and everyone. I really néed solitude. Love when my family is all away sometimes. When I'm alone, I come back to the world looking closely at everyone and finding stories in the smallest gestures. 


Shannon Barber's picture
Shannon Barber from Seattle is reading Paradoxia: A Predators Diary by Lydia Lunch January 22, 2014 - 5:56pm