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Chi's picture

Protocol Sixty

By Chi in Teleport Us

How It Rates

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A man is sentenced to death in a future desolate wasteland.


Anthony M.'s picture
Anthony M. from Michigan is reading Girl With Curious Hair by DFW February 28, 2013 - 6:03pm

Hey there, your writing style is very poetic and enjoyable to read. However, the story itself felt like it was incomplete and relayed in confusing order. The final paragraph drops a bomb that doesn't really make sense because there's no context established or elaboration because the story just ends. I'm intrigued by your decision to leave out quotations for dialogue. I definitely don't want to tread on your artistic license, but it did make some portions slightly disorienting in terms of who was speaking. I will give you a thumbs up because I'm not into the whole thumbs down thing, and I was impressed by some stylistic elements.

Chi's picture
Chi from Sydney, Australia is reading The back of the Milk Carton February 28, 2013 - 6:45pm

Hey Anthony,

Thanks for your quick reply and insights. 

This piece was an experiment and it was a really hard write for me. So I really appreciate your candid feedback.

What I was trying to create here was a non-scifi riff in a scifi world and I kinda ran out of time trying to get the right emotional through-line for this story. Hence the emotional resonance and ending just seem to be so blunt and half-hearted. Something to look at in the next draft.

 The lack of attribution was a part of my experiment. I need to work on this more.

Thanks for all your help.


Adam Soandso's picture
Adam Soandso from the streets of rage is reading graffiti on the bathroom wall March 1, 2013 - 1:16am

Not bad. It seemed to go a little all over the place, especially towards the end, and I think this could really benefit from a quick edit. There are important bits most likely mistyped that really took the punch out of what you were going for sometimes.

I also agree about the stylistic choices you made and think it detracted rather than added anything. The reason it works so well with other authors is because of the sparing use of dialogue and the simplicity of their words, along with how well those short lines flow with the previous and following text. I'm admittedly not very good with that sort of thing, I think, so it may take a bit more work. Keep at it!

Steven Zore's picture
Steven Zore from Brooklyn, New York March 3, 2013 - 6:04am

I liked it, the execution scene was riveting, it needs a proper ending tho. Thumbs up.

klahol's picture
klahol from Stockholm, Sweden is reading Black Moon March 4, 2013 - 8:18am

To think, had you just added six words, you'd be leet. 

Form-wise, you tell a pretty engaging story with the execution.  Dystopic, to say the least. It kind of feels a bit rushed, though, as if you don't believe in your own story, or don't care. 

I find it hard to connect to the dialogue without better dialogue formatting. Quotation marks would help a lot. 

Adam Jenkins's picture
Adam Jenkins from Bracknell, England is reading RCX Magazine (Issue 1 coming soon) March 26, 2013 - 3:02am

You get through this one very quickly, and the story may benefit in places from slowing down a little. If you want an execution to have resonance, then the reader needs to be more emotionally invested. Jack is an interesting character, but there is little here to make me care for his ending. In the entire piece we get little character development, and not much of them comes through. Your ending seems more than a little out of place. It is not entirely clear what is going on, and looks tacked on to fit submission criteria. It get that this is an experimental piece, but a little more of a traditional writing style (quotation marks especially) would make this a smoother read.

ArlaneEnalra's picture
ArlaneEnalra from Texas is reading Right now I'm editing . . .. March 29, 2013 - 9:29pm
That was a nasty thing to do!  Cutting the story off right in the middle of the reveal like that, and not even because you ran out of words!  You have a well developed voice to your writing. The character's emotions and attitudes come through loud and clear!
A few minor points:
  • This might be of use to you:
  • There are inconsistencies in tense through out the story.  Things like: "I nodded my head and stare down ...".  "Nodded" is past tense and "stare" is present tense.
  • In the US, we refer to the back of a pickup as the "bed"  is "tray" used where you're from?

Other than finishing out that last scene a little more and editing stuff, Excellent work!