James Nowlan's picture
James Nowlan is reading Surveiller et Punir Je ne suis pas venu içi pour être heureux The Master and Margarita January 13, 2017 - 1:40pm

if you truly were an outcast then you'd be on another plane of existence and thus your thoughts would be unintelligible to the rest of the world

Max's picture
Max from Texas is reading goosebumps January 13, 2017 - 7:58pm

wow so deep

you ever notice how like if you look at your hands there are like, fingers just like attached to them just like what are you doing, fingers, what even are you, oh my god

James Nowlan's picture
James Nowlan is reading Surveiller et Punir Je ne suis pas venu içi pour être heureux The Master and Margarita January 14, 2017 - 8:49am

yes this sort of thing happens to me quite frequently, also with the penis lips and eyeballs  the doctor said it was PTSD related depersonalization; sexual intercourse can be a particularly depersonalizing experience unless I've had enough to drink but unfortunately the body can't absorb alcohol like it used to the question is why have they targeted me? Why demonize something that doesn't even exist on a conceptional level. of course biologically I exist but that's merely chemical reactions. Ultimately their persecution will make of this sickness a terrible being a monster born within me and then they can just go ahead and moralize to that thing. Which I imagine they shall do, middle class Americans are so morally self-righteous that when they die and go to hell they give lectures about good table manners to the demons

Danielle Marie Tobias's picture
Danielle Marie ... from New York is reading House Infernal by Edward Lee January 15, 2017 - 5:00pm
